Camera mapping… (sigh)

[insert flipped desk.jpg here]

I am still struggling with camera tracking, it’s getting to be quite infuriating as I know the theory of how it works an IUnderstand it, however I can’t seem to make it work. Perhaps I am overlooking something…

I just can’t seem to work out what I am doing wrong; however I have taken what I have learnt from Blender and applied it to a new image to see what the actual problem is, I have decided that the final shot for this will be either a horizontal tracking shot or a vertical one, as I want to demonstrate the skill without trying to show off. Or to think more technically, is to replicate the type of camera movement that I would do, as I don’t know how to use a steady cam set up replicating one would seem almost pointless, though I am sure it allows for steady movement through a location I also need to remember that I am working with a 2D image to start with.


I think I have worked out what I am doing wrong, though I’m not sure how to fix it… Yet.

When setting up a scene I have been trying to move the cube to match the image with varying degrees of success, but I think this has shown me the problem. I have been assuming that Blender would work like photoshop, well the materials to be precise. However if I am correct the materials work like masks. When I project an image from the camera viewport I see almost what I would expect but with one issue, there is a lot of black in the image. If I’m right this is where there is no data, like how a mask would work white = on, black = off. So the chances are that I need to go back into photoshop and fix the layers to suit the shape.

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